One-Time Purge or Shred Project

There are times when you need to destroy a large volume of records all at once, instead of regularly-scheduled shredding collection and service over time. Some of the more common triggers of large document or file purges are:

  • Annual “spring cleaning” or end-of-year “housekeeping”
  • Conclusion of large legal cases
  • Changes in regulatory requirements
  • Office relocations
  • Changes in retention schedules

For these times, AMS provides on-demand shred services that are designed to quickly and efficiently handle the entire document destruction process according to your needs and specifications, from pick up of your records to delivery of your Certificate of Destruction.

We provide either on-site or off-site services.

For Off-Site Service We Will:

  • Pick up your file and records in boxes or collection containers
  • Document what we collected
  • Transport them to our secure shredding facility
  • Securely shred them
  • Give you a Certificate of Destruction

For On-Site Service We Will:

  • Consolidate the records you want destroyed into large industrial shred bins
  • Wheel them to our secure shredding truck
  • Securely shred them
  • Give you a Certificate of Destruction

Whether you have a large file purge or just want to shred once and be done, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call us or complete the form on this page. We’ll do all the heavy lifting, handle all the logistics, and destroy your records as requested, leaving you with nothing but newly-vacant space, a Certificate of Destruction, and a clear audit trail.

Contact us today and you’ll see—it’s just that easy!

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